April 21, 2014

Last Week: With winter weather in the rearview mirror, the big question now is how much bounce will demand get – with shoppers finally able to get out and about.  Weather may be the big reason why the economy underperformed in the first quarter.  Good weather may be the reason why the economy overperforms this spring.

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index For The U.S., March

The Coincident Economic Index, which tells us where the economy is right now, continued to rise moderately through February.  The Leading Economic Index for the United States has been consistently much stronger, suggesting there could be more punch going forward.  With the end of inclement winter weather imminent, evidence of better conditions might begin to show in the housing, labor, and retail markets.

Orders For Durable Goods, March (Bureau of the Census)

This is the key economic report of the week.  Relatively weak ordering has been persistent, as both consumer and business demand show something of a wait and see attitude.

Source: The Conference Board

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