September 29, 2014

For the U.S. as a whole, temperatures will trend similar to last year and below normal, but there will be a split in trends across the nation with warmer temperatures in the West and cooler temperatures in the more densely populated East.  The month will begin with warm weather across much of the nation and that will continue into the Columbus Day weekend in the East befor turning cooler.  The Northwest region will trend wetter than last year, but it still remains drier than normal, while the Southwest will be wetter than last year and normal.  Most of the East will trend drier than normal, but we’ll have to keep an eye out for any tropical disturbances, especially in Florida, although tropical activity overall will still be low.  Cooler temperature trends in the East will help to offset warmer trends in the western half of the nation.  Demand for fall apparel, furnace filters, and comfort foods should be stronger in the East compared to last year.

Source: Retailing Today, Weather Trends International

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