Holiday online sales in 2014 exceeded an already optimistic forecast. Total desktop online sales for November through December grew 15% to $53.3 billion, $2 billion of that total coming from Cyber Monday, making 2014 the 5th consecutive year this day had the highest amount of spending.

The day after Cyber Monday came in second with $1.7 billion. Over the entire season, 15 days exceeded $1 billion in online desktop spending. In 2013 only 10 days exceeded $1 billion during the same period.

“Despite a shortened holiday calendar between Thanksgiving and Christmas and erroneous reports of flagging holiday sales, the American consumer proved resilient and flexed their spending muscle online this year, “ quoted comScore chairman emeritus Gian Fulgoni. “In the end, we saw growth rates in the mid-double digits as the online channel continued to gain meaningful share from brick-and-mortar.”


Source: Retailing Today

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