PwC’s annual global consumer survey of about 1,000 US respondents list Amazon as most favorite retailer with 52% of the vote. Amazon was followed by Walmart with 41% and Target 29%.

These retailers were followed by several department stores. Kohl’s was rated the highest of the department stores with 14% of the vote. Other department stores in the top 10 included Macy’s and J.C. Penny.

Home Depot came in 10th and was the only DIY retailer to make the list.

The top reason cited by consumers were “Their prices are good”, followed by retailers having the items shoppers want in stock.

The US pattern mirrors the global pattern in another PwC survey.

The survey also captured whether consumers are “showrooming”, or browsing at physical stores but then shopping online. 68% of respondents said they have done so. However, 73% of consumers do the opposite, or “webrooming”, browsing online and buying in stores. Their reasons included delivery fees, being able to touch the merchandise, and getting the merchandise immediately.

PwC: Price Waterhouse Coopers

Resource: MarketWatch

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