A new report from Branding Brand’s Mobile Commerce Index released Wednesday indicates that revenue from shoppers on smartphones rose 73% over last year. In April 2015, smartphone revenue accounted for 13% of total online revenue, which represents a 63% year-over-year increase.

Identifying retail trends for 50 US mobile websites, smartphone conversion increased 31% since April 2014 and smartphone visits increased 29% year-over-year. Conversely, desktop conversion decreased 2% since April 2014, with visits decreasing 8%.

The 50 mobile sites in the index produced a total of 72 million visits and $86 million in revenue.

“This is the second month in a row where desktop conversion has declined,” said Branding Brand CEO Chris Mason. “Because retailers have more ways to interact with consumers than ever before, they must continue optimizing their experiences to keep up with shopping’s increasing complexity.”

Source: Chain Store Age

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