Within the designer luxury brands market, some brands have seen increased sales while others showed decreases. While the overall market for luxury goods has grown steadily since the end of the recession, the trend for wealthy shoppers is to purchase their products in a subtle way, steering away from flashy logos.  Gucci sales were down 1.1% in 2014, Prada saw sales decrease 1.5%. Louis Vuitton/LVMH also saw sales slow in their fashion and leather goods division.

The current trend for luxury goods shoppers is to continue to purchase these goods, but show sophistication by not flaunting their wealth. Social media is also affecting the luxury brands market, as new items are becoming exposed quickly, desensitizing luxury goods shoppers to things that used to feel special to own. Smaller luxury brands like Yves Saint Laurent and Miu Miu saw 2014 gains of 27% and 4%, respectively. A professor at New York University, who teaches luxury marketing, stated, “These are brands that really control the supply, and therefore they manipulate the market and the desire for their products.”

Experts also say that high-end consumers are increasingly diverting their dollars to experiences, such as lavish vacations or extravagant dinners. To adjust to this, Louis Vuitton added a rooftop champagne bar to their Rodeo Drive store. Gucci and Prada have similar locations in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Source: Washington Post

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