US consumer confidence declined 5.3 points in July, dropping to the lowest point since November 2014. The majority of those surveyed, 70.8%, believe the economy is fair or poor, and 41.4% believe it is getting worse. The perception of personal finances remained stagnant, a greater percentage this month felt finances were getting worse. 47.2% report they do not expect added expenses or a shortfall in the next 30 days and 36.8% believe that they will.

Retail spending also decreased in July, down to the lowest level since January. Household improvements still has the largest percentage of adults that say they will spend more this month with 19.8%, but this percentage was 22.9% last month. While spending in household improvements and discretionary spending has gone down, expected spending on clothing, footwear, or accessories, and household expenses has gone up. Change in August is not expected, as 46.8% reported expecting to spend about the same amount next month.

Source: Chain Store Age

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