With two big spring holidays upon us in March, the National Retail Federation reports that consumer spending appears to be on the rise. The NRF conducted two consumer surveys that indicate that trend is coming. According to its annual St. Patrick’s Day Spending Survey, over 125 million Americans will spend $4.4 billion on today’s holiday. 56.5% of those celebrating will purchase food and beverages, 28% will buy apparel or accessories, 23.3% will buy decorations and 17.2% will buy candy.

According to the NRF Easter Spending Survey, consumers plan to shop at 13-year high levels. The holiday is expected to reach spending of $17.3 billion. Half of that spending will be on clothing, gifts and flowers. “Retailers are beginning one of their busiest times of year and are more than ready as consumers shop for Spring essentials, “NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said.

58.4% of shoppers will head to discount stores, followed by 41.4% in department stores. Online shoppers grows to 21.4%, up from 18.8% last year.

Source: National Retail Federation


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