Lowe’s Home Improvement is launching a new social campaign to make sure they’re reaching millennials as the tech-savvy generation begins to reach the age when they start settling down and buying homes. According to the Wall Street Journal, Lowes is turning to Snapchat and Facebook mobile video to help first-time home buyers discover home improvement tricks.

In the push to reach new potential customers who spend time on visual and video-driven social media platforms, Lowes is working with Omnicom advertising agency BBDO to create a new series of social videos. The Snapchat video series is called “In-A-Snap” and it allows consumers to follow along with home improvement projects and tap the screen to complete specific tasks. On Facebook, Lowes will be the first marketer to take advantage of a flip video application on Facebook’s mobile feed that allows viewers to change the orientation of the video. The “FlipSide” videos, which link back to Lowes.com, show simultaneously what can happen if a homeowner doesn’t tackle spring cleaning projects, versus what happens when a homeowner cleans the gutters, changes air filters or prunes overgrown shrubs.

Lowe’s Chief Marketing Officer, Marci Grebstein said, “The challenge as a marketer today is, how do you continue to engage consumers differently and within different social media platforms. We have been able to create informative and entertaining content based on how the platform works.”

Sourcse: The Wall Street Journal, Retailing Today