In a new report titled “How We Shop Now: What’s Next?,” Westfield London has unveiled five key trends that they believe will shape the retail industry of tomorrow. Combined, the trends paint a picture of what the store of the future is likely to look like, and the report reveals that customers will be looking for richer shopping experiences and will expect physical retailers to go beyond the transaction. The five key trends identified are:
Retail Trends

People are increasingly interested in retailers adopting the “sharing economy” made popular by companies like Uber and Airbnb. The trend is strongest among Millennials, and exercise equipment, cars, consumer electronics, bikes and clothing top the list of items people want to rent.

Classroom Retail: Stores are not just for shopping anymore. Increasingly, shoppers view retail stores as classrooms where they can learn new skills and build their social networks. Examples include health and fitness sessions at the local sporting goods store and cooking classes at a home goods store.

Lifestyle Loyalty: There is a new consumer demand for loyalty programs that reward good lifestyle choices rather than just monetary transactions. As many as one fifth of UK consumers find lifestyle rewards appealing and would like to be rewarded for recycling, exercising, spending time with family, getting enough sleep and volunteering.

Enhanced Assistance: Consumers are interested in using new technologies, such as virtual reality, to bring in-store products closer to their everyday lives. 41% of people in the UK would like to use technology to experience how products would look in their homes and 33% would like to use technology to see how clothes would look on them.

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Inside-out Retail: A sensory retail experience is becoming increasingly important to consumers. All five senses were deemed to enhance the shopper experience with vision and touch coming out on top.

Download the full report here.