eBay is offering a new service called eBay Authenticate, to protect shoppers from buying high-end luxury handbag brands that could turn out to be counterfeit. The service will verify the authenticity of luxury handbags and wallets across 12 brands, including Burberry, Chanel, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton and Prada. For items valued at $500 or more, eBay will collect 20% of the purchase price and the seller receives 80%. As a special kick-off to the service, eBay will offer the service for luxury handbags valued at $250 or more, claiming 10% of the final sale. eBay wants to provide their consumers with confidence they are receiving real merchandise from these brands. A handbag is purchased in the US on eBay every 13 seconds. Sellers who want to participate should still see profits of more than twice what they can get on other online selling sites, even after giving eBay a cut for the service. Sellers send eBay the handbag and experts at eBay will verify authenticity, then photograph, list, sell and ship the handbag to the buyer. eBay is considering expansion of the service to other brands and categories next year.

Sources: Chain Store Age, eBayinc.com

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