Supply Chain Metrics Play Leading Role In 2021

12 Key Supply Chain Metrics Materials Now Available Via LIG   As retail passes through the unpredictable and turbulent waters of 2020, heading into the “less unpredictable,” yet equally turbulent markets in 2021, it’ll be imperative to gain and maintain control of retail stock and the numbers that drive it. To better assist the retail… Read more »


COVID-19 KILLED YEAR OVER YEAR COMPS Part 1: Every retail report presents data in a nearly identical way: TY LY % CHG +/- VOL. This traditional method of measuring business performance is useless in the face of COVID-19, and the hangover is going to continue through all of 2021. See the nearby chart which shows… Read more »

COVID-19 Updates: Retail Industry Impact

COVID-19 Retail Industry Updates For the retail industry and those responsible for their brand’s POS data, supply chain, and retail sales analytics, COVID-19 has become an unwanted, but apparently long-reserved guest. As we all work to better understand the virus and the various ways it will impact our industry ahead, we wanted to share the… Read more »

EDI 870 Order Status Report

The EDI 870 Order Status Report transaction set is commonly used by vendors to report on the current status of a customer’s order. Each status report transaction refers to a customer’s single order but it can involve multiple previously-sent purchase orders. The 870 is replacing what is known as a Paper Status Report, which provides… Read more »

EDI 869 Order Status Inquiry

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Order Status Inquiry Transaction Set (869) for use within the context of an EDI -Electronic Data Interchange environment. The transaction set can be used to request all pertinent information relative to an entire purchase order, selected line items on a purchase… Read more »

EDI 830 Planning Schedule With Release Capability File Format

The EDI 830 Planning Schedule transaction set is really used as an electronic sales forecast. In fact, it can be used in 3 different ways: Just as a sales forecast As a forecast and an authorization for the recipient to commit to resources As a forecast that also includes order release levels The senders of… Read more »

EDI 863 Report Of Test Results

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Report of Test Results Transaction Set (863) for use within the context of an EDI – Electronic Data Interchange environment. EDI 863 can be used to transmit the results of tests performed to satisfy a specified product or process requirement. This… Read more »

EDI 862 Shipping Schedule

The EDI 862 Shipping Schedule transaction set is responsible for accounting shipping requirements. These shipping instructions would replace those forecasted in a previous Planning Schedule 830 transaction, though the 862 does not actually replace the 830. 862 transactions are important for supporting Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing because they provide detailed shipping requirements more frequently versus EDI… Read more »

EDI 867 Product Transfer And Resale Report

The EDI 867 transaction set represents the Product Transfer and Resale Report. EDI 867 is used to give information on a product that has been relocated to a new location within a company. It can also be used to report sales of a product from multiple locations to an end customer, such as point-of-sale, or… Read more »

EDI 861 Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate File Format

The EDI 861 transaction set is an electronic version of a Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate. This EDI transaction can be used to report shipment receipts or it can be used as a formal acceptance for defective items that are being returned. In the case third-party receiving, such as a drop-shipment, the sender may transmit an 861… Read more »