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Trade Promotion Management
01 Oct, 2006 • Helen Thomas
The Accelerated Analytics team had the pleasure of attending the TPMA show in Chicago last week, as well as presenting a keynote presentation on POS data analysis. Some interesting facts about trade promotion: 53% of companies do not know if their promotions make money 50% of companies do not know if the promotions they run... Read more »
Effective Key Performance Indicators
22 Sep, 2006 • Helen Thomas
The Accelerated Analytics team spent a majority of the day to day reviewing retail point of sale data provided by a manufacturer client of ours. These are large reports with thousands of rows of data organized by UPC, reporting units sold, units on hand, forecast units, etc. This particular client sells to a ‘big box’ retailer, so... Read more »
Collaboration comming of age?
20 Sep, 2006 • Helen Thomas
A recent shared strategy study titled “The State of Collaboration 2005”, by Consumer Goods Technology, RIS, and Forrester, sited some encouraging results our team felt needed to be shared. read the study Finding #1: almost two-thirds of retailers and manufacturers feel they suffer adverse business effects when they do not collaborate. Finding #2: EDI 852 is... Read more »
McDonald’s WiFi
14 Sep, 2006 • Helen Thomas
As a marathon runner, McDonald’s is not typically on my list of places to eat. I have a tough time finding anything there that fits my preferred diet and still tastes good. But I’ve been reading about their WiFi deployment and I needed to do a few things on the Internet the other day, so I thought I’d give... Read more »
What a difference a year makes…?
13 Sep, 2006 • Helen Thomas
When you spend as much time as we do involved in ‘missionary’ conversations educating senior retail and consumer goods executives, it is a breath of fresh air when a research report is published which directly supports your business case. That is why we were celebrating in November 2005 when the “2005 Shared Strategy Study: The State... Read more »
Applying Sun Tzu to Supply Chain Strategy
05 Sep, 2006 • Helen Thomas
I have been reading Sun Tzu over the holiday weekend. Very interesting reading. It’s the type of reading where you cover a few lines and then take an hour to reflect on what it means to your business. One passage stuck me:“Therefore, determine the enemy’s plans and you will know which strategy will be successful... Read more »
Excellent Category Management Resource
31 Aug, 2006 • Helen Thomas
We were recently referred to check out a great new association for category management professionals. We spent some time on their web site and joined the organization. I must say, so far we’ve been impressed. Check out CPG Cat Net. Call to action: what other category management resources do you find beneficial?
Vendor Collaboration Success Story
30 Aug, 2006 • Helen Thomas
In the June issue of Consumer Goods Technology, there is a terrific success story on how data sharing and collaboration between a retailer and vendor should work. This is a must read for any retail or vendor operations, sales, or supply chain professional. Here is a clip from the article: Smart & Final offers the same... Read more »
Making sense out of EDI 852 data
30 Aug, 2006 • Helen Thomas
We have been contacted by many vendors to major retailers in the past two weeks, looking for a solution to EDI 852 reporting. It’s not surprising since many major retailers send the EDI data out and simply hope vendors are able to use the data in some beneficial manor. The fact is, most vendors are... Read more »