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Inventory Turnover
Inventory Turnover Ratio Formula
17 Aug, 2019 • Helen Thomas
The inventory turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio that shows you how effectively inventory is being managed by comparing cost of goods sold with average inventory for a period. This metric measures the amount of times average inventory is “turned” or sold during a period. In short, it measures how many times a company sold... Read more »
Reorder Point Formula (ROF)
Reorder Point Formula (ROF)
14 Aug, 2019 • Accelerated Analytics
For 15 years, Accelerated Analytics has provided key retail analysis and business intelligence for brands across the globe. From long-range retail weather reports to updated consumer statistics. In this short Retail Data Brief video, we quickly review Reorder Point Formula (or ROF). 
retail forecasting
Retail Forecasting: Why It’s Vital To Your Growth
12 Aug, 2019 • Helen Thomas
Retail forecasting can be tricky if you don’t know how to do forecasting or you don’t have the technology to track your retail data. Fortunately, we have some amazing software and tools to help you accurately track your POS data. With POS data on hand, you’ll be able to create retail forecast for your business.... Read more »
Product Distribution
What Is Product Distribution?
12 Aug, 2019 • Helen Thomas
Distribution refers to the process of selling and delivering products or services from manufacturer to customer. As companies grow, it becomes vital to improve your distribution to ensure that everyone in your distribution channel is happy. Depending on the network of your distribution channel, there can be many people and strategies involved in a company’s... Read more »
Safety Stock
What Is Safety Stock?
08 Aug, 2019 • Helen Thomas
Safety stock is a retail term used to refer to an additional quantity of items help by a company in inventory to reduce the risk of being out of stock. In a perfect world, we would never run out of stock. Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect world and at some point, it can happen to... Read more »
reorder point formula
Reorder Point Formula: How To Calculate ROF
07 Aug, 2019 • Helen Thomas
Reordering products are easy, right? Well, not so fast. When it comes to determining reorder points, there’s a lot you have to consider. This is why many retailers use a reorder point formula. If you don’t know what a reorder point formula (ROF) is, it’s defined by a specific time for you to order new... Read more »
Retail Metrics
Retail Metrics: What Are The Most Important KPIs You Should Be Tracking?
30 Jul, 2019 • Helen Thomas
Ever heard of the phrase, “the numbers don’t lie?” If something feels “off” in your business, the first order of business is looking at your retail metrics. When it comes down to brass tacks, for any retailer big or small, your numbers don’t lie. Your numbers give you the cold hard truth (good and bad)... Read more »
What Is Year-Over-Year (YOY)?
27 Jul, 2019 • Helen Thomas
One of the most popular and most used financial comparisons in the world is the year-over-year method, also referred to as YOY. By using YOY, anyone can compare two or more measurable events on a yearly basis. If you’re a retailer that collects POS Data, you’re likely familiar with YOY as your POS Reports likely give... Read more »
Ending Inventory Formula
Ending Inventory Formula: How To Calculate EIF
22 Jul, 2019 • Helen Thomas
When it comes to important calculations for your business, ending inventory formula is one that’s super important. Ending inventory formula is used to calculate the value of goods available for sale at the end of the accounting period. When it comes to inventory management and utilizing your POS data, these formulas can play an important... Read more »

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